About Unism


Unism is a philosophical social movement created as a solution to the modern, bipolar political landscape, wherein one must choose between being a Liberal or a Conservative.
A Democrat or a Republican.
A Globalist or a Nationalist.
A woke SJW or a Red-Pilled Anti-SJW.
Instead of aligning oneself along the left-right socio-political spectrum (LiberalismConservatism), Unism offers one an outlook on life which transcends that spectrum, a transcendence which we see as vital for any school of thought intent on helping modern day individuals, societies, and humanity at large all determine their true purpose, and realize their full potential on their own terms.

We as Unists believe that, across the entire earth, Liberals and Conservatives essentially want the same thing: happiness, security, and prosperity; for themselves, and for those they care about.

Yet where they differ greatly is in their approaches to and perspectives on how to achieve those goals: for themself, and how they imagine others can or should live best as well. And the political culture which both the Left and Right wing inhabit has become so corrupted and societally toxic because of them that the entire progression of society has halted.

We have found that both respective approaches lack the fundamental concerns and conditions for facilitating those goals, and thus only ever offered the faint “hope” of such eventualities, while never stopping to examine the true failings of both approaches.

By introducing Unism, we intend to forge a new path towards truly realizing those goals, which utilizes the barometer of human fulfillment as a guiding force for what is actually valuable in life.
We will explain more of what human fulfillment is comprised of, and how to achieve it, individually, and more importantly, collectively, in our blog and upcoming essays and articles.
We do not have to become hippies to improve our world. We don’t need to redistribute wealth to live richly, those who have used the bountiful excesses of our burgeoning capitalist systems to amass fortunes have done so under understandable yet exploitative terms which have improved and can be further reconciled. We must simply regain power from the oligarchs and compromised “representatives” who have consolidated it against us.

As a philosophy:

Unism operates under two fundamental principles:

  1. Agape Love
  2. The Golden Rule

These two principles guide and structure our moral universe.
Under these principles, we seek to create an emancipatory community of egalitarian nature, where mutual and voluntary love, forgiveness, and respect allows us to achieve total world peace.

As a movement:

Unism is a non-violent movement meant to prove:

a) that society is absolutely transformable, 

b) that everything you, I, and we as a community do
can be improved upon, and

c) that complete peace (beginning with personal inner peace,
to be externalized into world peace) is completely
within our reach.

These are not simple platitudes meant to console a hippie’s heart. These are actual, practical guidelines meant to realize the ideal world which we (if we work for it) truly deserve. These will come about by:

(1) shedding our ancient hatreds (towards others and ourselves) and 

(2) through recognizing and achieving our individual and thereafter
universal purpose, neither of which are in the current interests of
Any contemporary political leaning, as they are instead enslaved to
maintaining (overtly: Conservatism, and covertly/unwittingly:
Liberalism) the status quo of perpetual division and class struggle.

Individual purpose:

Always Self-determined BY the individual, in harmony with the Golden Rule (“Treat others as you would be treated,” or “Love others as you love yourself,” meaning we must first embody an appropriate love for our Self), a purpose which is derived from, in support of, and fulfilled by setting and then achieving meaningful goals through reasonable effort and work.
We do NOT envision this future as a large scale, hippie commune where no work is done, yet somehow we all get paid calling ourselves DJ’s, bloggers, and skateboarders.. We anticipate real, physical work towards real, physical greatness being constructed as a community, for the community. Whatever passion or skill fits this definition should serve the community as much as it serves one’s’ own sense of purpose. By pursuing such a purpose, we can experience Individual fulfillment, and fulfill our Universal purpose:

Universal purpose :

To live as one people – not divided by race, religion, nationalities, ethnicities, genders, nor ideologies – so that we may utilize our resources (natural or otherwise) in the most efficient ways possible. All that exists which can be willingly brought into harmony will be, for the benefit of each individual therein

This is NOT the perverted definition of unity championed by Liberals and “SJWs”, whereby communities are kept segregated and are constantly told to focus on differences, forever fractured into calculable voter bases, nor a Forced Unity in servitude to an oligarchy as actualized by Socialism or Communism, but TRUE UNITY, for the purpose of building a New Culture free of the failings of the past, not damned to worship Ancient Culture in isolation, cowering in fear of the Other, but focused on making the most of what is in our control.

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About “The Unists”

The Unists, defined in relation to this blog, refers to the team of writers and contributors who have aligned themselves with the principles and intentions of Unism.

We come from all different backgrounds, and have found common ground in our shared vision for a world that allows and encourages the fulfillment of one’s self for the sake of the fulfillment of the community, and in our rejection of the fears and hatreds which linger on in our social constructs. We are all dedicated to the radical transformation of our societies along these lines, transformations which will consequently affect our economic, political, and social realities.

We are in agreement that these changes will not come due to our philosophical understandings alone, but due to the actions we take, precipitated by our understanding. Understanding is a crucial starting point for any true change, and thus we seek to emphasize the understanding of our modern world through the unification and refinement of existing philosophies, so as to provide a blueprint for those hoping to affect real change in our lifetimes –

How frustrating must it be for a dedicated liberal, communist, capitalist, or conservative to have sacrificed their time, energy, money, and life to a political or philosophical cause which they must later discover, only after it is too late, lacks the true transformative capacity for the change they wished to see in the world?..

For if any of these political parties/approaches were in and of themselves true solutions to our societal problems, we would have identified them as such long, long ago.
If the Democrats ran things best, or even just ‘better,’ Detroit would be Disneyland, as Democrats have controlled it since the 60’s.

If Republicans held the solutions to anything, the American South would be a paradise for modern man. If economic communism, socialism, or capitalism were wholly functional or universally beneficial, we wouldn’t have anything to talk about at all, as these systems run the entirety of the civilized world.

Therefore, we Unists have gathered together to create a new system of beliefs and actions, predicated on the foundations and truths which have preceded us, in order to synthesize them into an outlook which is uniquely able to address the complexities and nuances of our modern age, while shedding the ideological and conceptual failings which have mired our efforts for unity and prosperity until now.

Follow us on twitter @TheUnists.

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