What do we mean by “աօʀʟɖ քɛǟƈɛ”???

  https://youtu.be/womqFo6LVYs A recent comment from a viewer of our video... 7 Steps of Reason ❍︎ 𝓤𝓷𝓲𝓼𝓶 ...which details Unism's "7 Steps of Reason for Unification & Understanding," a list of reasonings and assertions which ends with the stated goal of "Total World (/Global) Peace," reads thusly: "Interesting ideas. My only hesitation is the object… Continue reading What do we mean by “աօʀʟɖ քɛǟƈɛ”???

Technology: Voluntary or Mandatory?

https://youtu.be/Tc917jhZmvc Is tech really making our lives easier? All technology is at first, purely voluntary. Accessible to early adopters. But as society, behaviors, and attitudes are further built upon and shaped by that technology, it eventually becomes mandatory Cars  Before: you walked, rode a horse/buggy Early stage: Few cars, still voluntary Mature Stage: Roads built,… Continue reading Technology: Voluntary or Mandatory?

Watch “How Platforms OWN You (Disney+, Netflix, Uber) – Wisecrack Edition” on YouTube

In the new Wisecrack video, Jared delves into the emergent platform economy, wherein businesses act as services and utilities, offering us access to specific opportunities, actions, and content. More and more (as evidenced by apps such as Uber, Lyft, Spotify, Apple music, Airbnb, Netflix, and all other subscription-based exclusivities), our activities and pastimes are becoming… Continue reading Watch “How Platforms OWN You (Disney+, Netflix, Uber) – Wisecrack Edition” on YouTube

What is the Power Process?

We're a long way from 1995 - the year in which "Unabomber" Theodore Kaczynski's social critique Industrial Society and its Future was published in The New York Times and The Washington Post. The essay asserts that Industry, Technology, and the societies it has produced, "have been a disaster for the human race." 

New Meeting! Thurs 5pm in Venice Beach

Has technology and modern life driven you to feelings of isolation, discontentment, or powerlessnes, or at a loss for words at the existential dread that has all but consumed you?? Interested in talking about these issues, grounded in practical philosophy and reason, and discuss the experiences and trials of confronting the human spirit? For one… Continue reading New Meeting! Thurs 5pm in Venice Beach

AUDIOBOOK: Industrial Society & Its Future

In 1995, an essay was written and released under the authorship of FC, "Freedom Club." The essay, Industrial Society & its Future, described the contemporary societal dynamics and social atmosphere, as well as prophetically prognosticating about the future of the industrial-technological societies in which we live. The circumstances and context of the essay are so… Continue reading AUDIOBOOK: Industrial Society & Its Future

An Excerpt from Plato’s work “Phædo”

The senses are untrustworthy guides: they mislead the soul in the search for truth. Below an excerpt from Phaedo, by philosopher Plato. Phaedo is the last of Plato's four works detailing the final days of Socrates, transcribing his last dialogues with his close friends and students. This fourth dialogue deals primarily with the subject of… Continue reading An Excerpt from Plato’s work “Phædo”