The Unists Podcast

The long-awaited Unism Podcast has launched!

One of the main goals of The Unists Podcast is to bring together seemingly disparate voices, ideas, and personalities who have (by choice or stigma) been segregated from their assumed sociopolitical opponents and enemies – as well as from the majority of the non-politically minded or motivated public sphere – by their adherence to the oppressive construct of the Left-Right political spectrum: a pervasive, insidious, and outdated division which has long been a gross misrepresentation of reality, society, and an outright hindrance to true political progress, societal reconciliation, and communal (re)unification.

In addition to serving as an open discourse on the philosophical, social and political dimensions, implications, and applications of Unism, this podcast offers a non-censorial platform for interviews; debates; general editorial, opinion, advice, and question and answer segments, as specifically informed by Unist principles and ideologies.

Check out the podcast when you can, subscribe if you’re interested in hearing future episodes, and please send any questions, suggestions, comments or concerns to us at: unismpodcast@gmail.comor via twitter @TheUnists.

Episode 1 Ft. Patrick Farnsworth (Last Born in the Wilderness)

Episode 02  Artificial Intelligence


Episode 03  FAQ: What is Unism?


Episode 04 ○ Fandom As Religion: Culture, Community, & Agenda